Cat Trivia

Pet Lodge USA - Cat Collage

A cat's front paw has 5 toes, rear paw has 4. Some cats may have up to 7 front toes and additional rear ones.

A cat's collarbone doesn't connect to the other bones, and is buried in the shoulder region muscles.

A cat has 24 whiskers. 4 rows on each side. The top 2 rows can move independent of the other 2.

Cats have 30 teeth. Kittens have baby teeth until the age of approximately 7 months.

Humans have between 5 and 20 million olfactory cells. A cat has about 60-80 million.

Cats can judge within just 3 inches the exact location of a sound made a yard away.

A cat's whiskers are capable of registering even slight changes in air pressure.

A cat has a special organ in the roof of the mouth which analyzes smells.

Normally a cat's pulse is 120-240 beats per minute. The average is 195.

A domestic cat can sprint at approximately 31 miles per hour.

A cat's brain is more similar to a man's brain than a dog's.

A kitten ordinarily weighs about 3 ounces when born.

A cat cannot see what is directly under his/her nose.

A cat takes between 20 and 40 breaths per minute.

A cat's field of vision is approximately 185 degrees.

A cat's normal body temperature is 102 degrees F.

Humans have 650 skeletal muscles. A cat has 500.

Domestic cats purr when inhaling and exhaling.

A cat's hearing is more sensitive than a dog's.

A cat uses whiskers for measuring distances.

Cat urine actually glows under a black light.

A cat's tongue has minute barbs on it.

A cat can be right or left pawed.

Cats walk on their toes.